Cryotherapy Toronto

Phase 1: Refine

Entering the cryosauna for 1.5-3 minutes at intense cooled temperatures activates the body's thermoregulation mechanisms as the cold, still completely tolerable, is interpreted as a survival threat which signals your bodies natural need to restore balance through vasoconstriction. This is the first step the body takes to conserve its core temperature. Blood vessels in the skin and muscle tissues constrict, forcing blood away from the surface and peripheral tissues to the core.

​• Wake up the body's natural filtration system

• Rapidly eliminate toxins and inflammatory properties

Cryotherapy Toronto

Phase 2: Renew

Upon exiting the cysosauna at the end of a cryo treatment, this is when Vasodilation takes place as the body reheats itself. Vessels expand up to four (4) times their normal diameter allowing a significant boost in flow of that filtered blood to the skin and extremities, enriching cells with healthy oxygen, nutrients and enzymes at a higher capacity than normal.

• Hormones are released as the body's natural morphine ​        creating a sense of euphoria

• Muscle tissues begin to warm promoting a wealth of  benefits that continue to work after your session.

Cryotherapy Toronto

Phase 3: Recover

Following the treatment, proliferation of the cryo benefits will continue to take place over the next 48 hours providing an optimal condition of reduced pain and shortened recovery time. Cryotherapy enhances the body's ability to greater heal itself to promote enhanced performance and optimal health.

​• The cold exposure limits the body's ability to communicate pain signals which after multiple sessions, allows the body to adapt its sustained perception to pain stimuli

• Pro-inflammatory cytokines are decreased at the same time anti-inflammatory properties are increased which provokes a powerful anti-inflammatory response

• Muscle relaxation occurs, energy levels are elevated, and the body's overall anti-oxidative status is increased

• Calories are burnt, comparable to that of an intense workout as a part of the body's reheating mechanism. Studies suggest that you burn between 500-800 calories per a whole body cryotherapy session with multiple sessions leading to a long-term increase in metabolism.